Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby Birds have flown the nest

Well our baby birds have flown the nest. It is amazing how fast they grew and were able to fly. I just happen to be out feeding the rabbits and the last baby bird took off from our storage bin. Kind of scared me at first, then he took off into the brambles behind our shed. Haven't seen them since, but luckily they all seemed to fly away on their own accord.
Our new chickens are doing great, my 5 year old son has named them, Greg, Sam, Anthony, Jeff, Murray, and baby. The first five are from my son's favorite TV show "The Wiggles", The last one is just a name he picked out. We don't have the heart to tell him right now that they are girl chickens. But they are all doing great, they hang out together and the other chickens seem to be accepting them.
Friday I am going to go to Havelock to pick up 3 Californian does to get our rabbits going for the fall. Hopefully we will be supplementing our food with rabbit meat. I am going to cross the does with the New Zealand buck that we have and hope for the best.

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